About Me

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Hello! Welcome to my little corner of the world! This blog will consist of a little bit of everthing. Anything from scrapbooking to poetry to recipes to weight loss. And anything and everything else I can think of. :) Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

50 Randoms about Me

50 Randoms About Me 1. I’ve been married for two fantastic years to my best friend. I love my husband with all my heart and couldn’t possibly be any happier.
2. I’m extremely klutzy. I can trip over invisible cracks in the floor.
3. I once got a treble hook caught really close to the corner of my eye. I had to go the ER to get it removed.
4. Failure scares the hell out of me. I always try to succeed at everything I do and I’m extremely hard on myself when I fail at something.

5. I’m a day dreamer. I catch myself zoning out a lot. Lol

6. I used to have really bad depression. I went through a time where I hated waking every morning. I even prayed every night before I went to sleep. My prayer was to not wake up. I guess it's true that God's greatest gifts come in unanswered prayers.

7. Speaking of God and my depression spell. I lost almost all faith during that time. I was really sad and really worrying the ones around me. I eventually started to get that faith back. After meeting David, I realized that life really was worth living and that God really did have a plan for me. I see David as not only being my Husband and Best Friend. But he was also my angel that God sent to save me from myself.
8. I really want to go on a cruise someday.
9. I like my steaks rare.

10. I strive hard to have a clean and organized house but I don’t think that will ever happen.

11. I spoil my dogs as if they were our kids.

12. I want more than anything to be a mom. I just know it’s best to wait until we have careers and can provide the life for our child that he/she will deserve.

13. I love to scrapbook and do other crafts.

14. I recently made a vow to myself that once a week I would do something that I enjoy for myself.
15. I hate packing. I hate to pack to move, for trips, or even just overnight stays. I just hate doing it.
16. I’ve lost a lot of friends since high school. I used to have a ton of friends and now I really don’t have that money. I guess that’s what happens when you become an adult.

17. I love road trips.

18. I am a control freak with occasional OCD (so yes. I’m crazy. literally)

19. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve

20. I’m not a girly-girl. Not at all. I’d take fishing and mud over glitter and make-up any day.

21. I have my Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. I got that in December of 2009.
22. I am currently working towards my Master of Science degree in psychological services. I hope to have it by December 2011.
23. I really like my new job. The people I work with are great.
24. I want to get Lasik Eye surgery.

25. I miss my best friend.

26. I am really good at Math.

27. I love to read.

28. Nothing beats snuggling up and watching a movie with my husband.
29. I hate having my picture taken.
30. I absolutely hate being overweight. I’m working hard to change that.
31. I sometimes lack the motivation I need.

32. I would love to go to Hawaii.
33. I love the outdoors.
34. I can’t stand materialistic people. They annoy me.
35. I have stopped drinking real soda. I wish I could cut it out all together. But I’m down to just Diet Dr. Pepper.
36. I hate the taste of water. I drink it but it feels like I’m drinking medicine.
37. I really want to start going to church again. The church I like is in Coalgate though so it makes it a little difficult but David and I seriously need to get our butts into gear and go.
38. I am so burnt out on school. I wish I was done. I have started hating everything about it. People tell me to take a semester off but I know that would be the wrong thing to do. I’m worried if I slowed down then I’d quit. I just got to keep on pushing myself to finish.
39. I love broccoli. Especially w/ steamed rice and cheese sauce.

40. I could eat breakfast for every meal…every day.

41. I have anxiety problems. I stress too much and I worry too much. But that’s part of who I am and I just have to deal with it.

42. I don’t trust easily. I never have.
43. I am really close to my parents. I love them both and they have sacrificed a lot for me and I will be forever grateful for that.
44. I don’t give second chances as easily as I should. I used to. But that blew up in my face a few times…w/the same person… I guess I should second chances … just not third or forth. Or fifth… you get the picture.
45. I love the twilight books! All of them!
46. I even like the Twilight movies!
47. I love to read. Finding a good book is the hard part.

48. I love to cuddle.

49. I love to snuggle up and watch a movie with my husband.

50. I would love to completely redecorate my house. I get bored easily. Lol

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